Physiotherapy management for shoulder problems might include but it’s not limited to:
- Glenohumeral joint mobilization techniques and capsular stretches: this will create more room for the head of the Humerus to move against the glenoid which helps in the cases in which the head is brought up high narrowing the subacromial space.
- Scapulothoracic Joint mobilization and myofascial release techniques. This help in restoring the normal tissues length and flexibility.
- Range of Motion exercises to improve the mobility of the joint.
- Exercises to reeducate the muscles specially those acting on the scapula to improve its stability.
- Postural correction exercises as the poor posture modifies scapula’s resting position on the chest wall. Posture correction is vital in the process of shoulder rehabilitation.
- Prevention: it is very important to eliminate the cause of the injury in order to avoid recurrence.
- Home program exercises to keep the joint in motion as lack of movement would increase the risk of developing a frozen shoulder. These exercises are to maintain the range of movement in the joint. Movement is also necessary to get rid of the swelling associated with inflammation in the subacromial are which might be the cause of pain.