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Dear Colleagues, Now you can follow JPTS on different social sites:
The Jordanian Physiotherapy Society celebrated the World physiotherapy day on Thursday 12th pf October at the Grassa Hotel in Amman.
The Jordanian Physiotherapy Society JPTS announces a new course titled “Neuromotor Impairment Evaluation and Treatment”.
ترغب جمعية العلاج الطبيعي الأردنية استفتاء الزملاء الأكارم عن الوقت المفضل لحضور فعاليات اليوم العالمي للعلاج الطبيعي الذي تقيمه الجمعية يوم الخميس الموافق 12/10/2017
Dear Colleagues, The attached link includes a survey conducted By Dr. Rasha Okasha an Assistant professor at the department of Physiotherapy, the University of Jordan.
The Jordanian Physiotherapy Society elections day is taking place on Friday June the 9th at 10 am in the JPTS office in Ibn Khaldoun st. next to Al Khalidi hospital building no. 35.
Dear Colleagues, JPTS annual elections is postponed till a further notice. We will keep you posted.
Today marks a new milestone in JPTS development. In collaboration with Matelda co. for IT & Web solutions, JPTS releases its new dynamic and interactive website.
Under the patronage of The Jordanian Physiotherapy Society JPTS, “AMAN” center for special needs in collaboration with the open Academy for complementary Medicine announce 4 days Acupuncture course taking place between 28th of April – 1st of May (28 CME hours). The instructor is Dr. Mahmoud Sha’rawi a pain management specialist.